Sales Letter Order Links - How Many Should You Have
Released on = August 20, 2007, 4:19 am
Press Release Author = Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
Industry = Marketing
Press Release Summary = How Many Order Links Should You Have In Your Sales Letter Copy In Order To Get A Customer To Purchase Your Product?
Press Release Body = Farmington, Michigan--Many Internet Marketers think that they should strive to have two things happen when visitors come to their website. They want them to sign up for their list and buy a product. Top Internet businesses know that the only goal they have is to have people buy their product. Don't worry about having them sign up. They want them to buy today.
How do Internet Marketers get visitors to buy their product today? This assumes that they already have a website and are currently marketing their product or service online.
Internet Marketers can miss out on thousands of dollars in revenue if they don't take into account the following considerations. First, look at their order links. Order links are links that will take the customer to their website page where they can enter their payment information and purchase their product or service.
The question is: Where should Internet Marketers have order links within their ad copy? There are two main modes of thinking as far as order links go: Order Link Mode 1: There are no order links in their ad copy until the bottom of the copy. Order Link Mode 2: There are several order links throughout the copy.
Essentially, in both the online and offline world, a customer comes to their sales letter and reads the headline. If the headline catches their eye then they will read on. Internet Marketers have to make sure that their sales letter consists of chunks of information or smaller sales letters within the large sales letter.
A visitor begins at a zero value when they come to the website. Then they read the sales letter headline. Now they have stepped onto the ladder of value. The more they read the sales letter, the higher they go up the ladder of value. When they are asked to buy something on the website right away, they lose interest, but don't go down to the bottom of the ladder. They simply go down a notch in the value ladder. At the end or sooner a prospect will purchase. This is when they are at the top of their value hill.
The customer will determine whether or not they believe the price of the product or service is worth the value. Once they perceive this equality then they will make the purchase.
The customer goes through this process about 9 to 12 times while going through the sales letter. So, how many times should they have an order link in their copy? First, Internet Marketers take a look at their current sales letter. They ask themselves how many order links do they have in their sales letter copy? Many people have too few order links. They should have 9 to 12 order links. Anything more is overkill and will turn the customer away.
Secondly, they need to ask for the sale in a lot of different ways. They should get a lot of trial closes out of the way before the person actually buys. What is a trial close? A trial close is when a person has read one of the small chunks of their sales letter and has been asked to purchase the product at that point with an order link.
Additional tips to creating their own wealth include: Follow the piles of cash. Find people who have successfully [created wealth] and learn from them. \"Matt Bacak, the powerful promoter, is the person who has done just that in business and is leading expert on how to achieve quick and easy success\" said Ralph Marcus Maupin Jr. (Mark Maupin) co-founder of National Real Estate Network and LLC.
Remember, it\'s not only what they know, but who they learn it from. Learn from someone who is more successful then they. Learn the tricks of the trade and [internet marketing tips] from someone that has actually built wealth and not just written a book about it. Forget the past. It does not matter who they are or where they came from. Everyone deserves to be a millionaire.
Contact Information: Stephanie Bunn 2935 Horizon Park Drive, Suite D Suwanee, GA 30024 (770) 271-1536
Source: National Real Estate Network. Check out their website at
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